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Material Design Widget Library

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Axure Libraries


We made this library for both mobile and desktop prototyping. It has the interacitive effects like pressed or clicked ripples. It is excellent for you to combine UI and UX designs.


· Designed strictly according to the Material Design official website.
· Both mobile and desktop artworks
· Included all official components and many useful custom components
· Interactive and motional
· UI artworks as a gift

Library Includes
· Global
Texts, Colors, Elevations, States, Icons

· Desktop
Basic Elements, Banners, Buttons, Floating Action Buttons(FAB), Dialogs, Cards, Lists, Chips, Lists, Image Lists, Nav Rails, Progress Indicators, Selection Controls, Slides, Snackbars, Tabs, Text Fields, Side Sheets, Data Tables, Alerts, Loading & Refreshing, Labels, Trees, Paginations, Badges, Avatars, Abnormals, Steppers, Cascade Selection Controls, Uploading, Rates, Color Pickers, Transfers, Nav Bars, Breadcrumbs, Steps, Carousels, Collapse Panels, Timelines, Dividers, Calendars, Images

· Mobile
Basic Elements, Banners, Buttons, Floating Action Buttons(FAB), Dialogs, Cards, Chips, Lists, Image Lists, Menus, Nav Drawers, Date & Time Pickers, Progress Indicators, Selection Controls, Sliders, Snackbars, Tabs, Text Fields, Sheets, Data Tables, Top App Bars, Bottom App Bars, Bottom Nav Bars, Backdrops, Tooltips, Dividers, Notes, Notices, Alerts, Labels, Paginations, Badges, Avatars, Abnormals, Loading & Refreshing, Onboarding Slides, Steppers, Rates, Breadcrumbs, Steps, Carousels, Collapse Panels, Timelines, Dividers, Calendars, Images


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Download Includes: Material Design demo (.rp) , Material Design widget library (.rplib)

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Material Design Widget Library

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