
Salesforce Lightning Design System

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Salesforce Lightning Design System

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Axure Libraries


The Salesforce Lightning Design System includes the UX resources to create user interfaces consistent with the Salesforce Lightning principles, design language, and best practices. Salesforce Lightning Design System is flexible, scalable and efficient. This work is designed strictly according to the Salesforce Lightning Design System official website.

· Typography, color, charts, icons, builder, components resources included
· Pixel perfect
· Interactive and motional
· Most Salesforce Lightning Design System components Included
· Supports fast Searching

Library Includes
· Components
Accordion, Activity Timeline, Alert, Avatar, Badge, Breadcrumbs, Buttons, Button Groups, Button Icons, Cards, Carousel, Chat, Checkbox, Checkbox Button, Checkbox Button Group, Checkbox Toggle, Color Picker, Combobox, Counter, Data Table, Datetime Picker, Docked Composer, Datetime Picker, Datepickers, Docked Composer, Docked Form Footer, Docked Utility Bar, Drop Zone, Dueling Picklist, Illustration, Expandable Section, Expression, Feeds, File Selector, Files, Form Element, Global Header, Global Navigation, Input, List Builder, Lookups, Map, Menus, Modals, Notification, Page Headers, Panel, Path, Picklist, Pills, Popover, Progress Bar, Progress Indicator, Progress Ring, Prompt, Publishers, Radio Button Group, Radio Group, Rich Text Editor, Scoped Notifications, Scoped Tabs, Select, Setup Assistant, Slider, Spinners, Summary Detail, Base, Textarea, Tiles, Timepicker, Toast, Tooltips, Tree Grid, Trees, Trial Bar, Vertical Navigation, Vertical Tabs, Visual Picker, Welcome Mat

· Typography
All Sizes, Page Title, Section Title, Section Subtitle, Body, Label, Footnote

· Color
Vibrant Palette, Foundation Palette, Text, Icons-Color

· Charts
Color, Color Guideline, Bar, Bubble, Column, Donut, Dot, Dot Plot, Flat Gauge, Funnel, Gauge, Heatmap, Line, Map, Matrix, Origami, Polar Gauge, Ratings, Sankey, Treemap, Waterfall


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Download Includes: Salesforce lightning design system demo (.rp), Salesforce lightning design system widget library (.rplib)

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